Rediscover Your True Self with Feng Shui: A Journey to Authentic Living
When feng shui found me, I had no idea what it was preparing me for or what my life would look like a few years after it found me. I had no idea of the deep inner journey that it would take me on, one that would break me down into a version of myself I was uncomfortable with, but also how, when I created that space for safety and security, it could help me build myself back up into the most authentic, thriving, and peaceful version of myself that I’ve ever been.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with feng shui or who only know it to be a practice focused on moving energy in your home or placing your furniture just the right way, let me tell you it goes so much deeper than that. For me and my clients, feng shui has become a deep internal practice of rediscovering the self, connecting with the personal body, and creating an inner and outer world primed for divine manifestation.
The Deep Inner Journey with Feng Shui
So, how can you start using a feng shui practice to stop disassociating, to stop letting blockages keep you from the desires you’ve always wanted, and to empower yourself to live more truthfully and authentically? I’d like to start by going through a visualization together that I believe will open you up to a new awareness within yourself and your space.
Take a big deep belly breath in, hold it at the top, and then exhale all the air out until you feel hollow. This will help you become connected within your body, as our body connection is one of the biggest factors in bringing our desires and manifestations into reality.
Close your eyes and sit up straight, your feet may be on the ground or folded up, yogi style, say out loud or in your head, "I command my mind to surrender to my body," and repeat this mantra as many times as you need while you get grounded and breathe.
Notice the feeling of being in your body now; it is safe. No matter what you have been through in your life, it is safe.
Now I want you to allow an intuitive nudge to come up. What has the divine been prodding you to start? Allow whatever comes up to be. What can you do within your home to help support you in bringing this new habit or thing to your life?
Feng Shui Visualization Exercise
Imagine that you’re standing outside your front door about to walk in. You see the door handle, you see your hand reach out, you see the knob turning, and the door opening as you step inside. Where are you being led in your home? Is it a specific room, maybe just a corner of the space? Where is your intuition telling you to go? Don’t think about it, just go.
Now that you’re in the space, room, or small corner, there is no wrong place to be. Sit down and look around. How do you feel? How does the space support you currently? How could it be supporting you better? Is there anything in here that doesn’t feel good, that brings up anxiety or worry? What about the space already feels good? What would you like to keep here and what would you like to part with? Why have you been brought to this space? How does this space want to support this intuitive nudge for a practice or a change of habit that’s been on your mind? What might you need to change or remove, or add to the space for it to be the support system that you need to step more fully into your authentic life? To empower you to become the person you know you were meant to be?
Sit with this for just a moment as we breathe. Stay connected to your body; it is safe here.
Thank your space and your body for showing you what it needs to be supported, loved, and empowered for this next step in your journey. Stand up, get ready to leave the space, and as you do, you can say out loud or in your mind, "I release the thoughts and things that clutter my mind."
Take a deep breath, maybe wiggle your fingers and toes a little bit as we gently come back to this current place in time.
Before we move on, I just want to give you one minute to jot down or share in the chat anything that you experienced—words that came up, feelings that came up—that you can work with moving forward. So let’s just take that time.
Experiencing Your Space with Feng Shui
To me, a good definition of feng shui is the art of experiencing a space. And that’s what we just did together.
I also want to mention that feng shui is not about having a perfect home, being a minimalist, or agonizing over things being just so. It’s truly about experiencing your space day in and day out and allowing your space to tell you what it needs and what you need from it on a daily basis. This means it is constantly changing and evolving to meet your needs. This is not a one-and-done type of thing. It’s truly a lifelong practice.
I want to share a quick story about something I noticed in my home within this last week. The other day I was getting ready to go to the gym in the morning, as that’s part of my morning routine. Typically, before I go to the gym, I’ll pick up my space so that when I return home, I’m coming home to a tidy space, one that’s ready to go. I felt overwhelmed before I left because there was so much stuff everywhere in my office space, which is also in the main living area of my home. I thought, "Oh God, I have to get all of this cleaned up." Then I stopped myself because I realized that I have recently entered into a new season of creation. And a season of creation equals chaos—not chaos in a negative way, but chaos in a beautiful way, one that reminds me that I’ve started a new journey and that I am forging new creative centers, not only in my brain but in my personal life. So, instead of allowing myself to be overwhelmed or beat myself up about the mess around me, I smiled and got excited, because I know when I go into creation mode, something really exciting is waiting on the other side.
I say this to remind you that you can choose to embrace your life instead of stopping its progress.
Creating a Safe Zone with Feng Shui
One of the most powerful and important things that my personal feng shui practice has brought to me, and that I have been able to share with so many clients, is creating a home that is a place of security. This security can be used to unfold into our unknown path in a very supported way. It’s not easy to allow the grace and space needed to move through difficult experiences when we don’t have the right foundation.
Growing up, I never had the right foundation. I always found myself trying to create it within my bedroom or our home in whatever way I could, which I believe set me up to become a feng shui practitioner 30+ years later.
Recipe for Creating Your Safe Zone
While ideally, this would be your entire space, I want you to start with one room or one corner.
Create this safe space with tips such as decluttering, organizing, and adding elements that make you feel secure and at peace.
Establish habits and practices that are good for this place, such as regular meditation, journaling, or yoga.
Safe Space for Emotions and Movement: Create a space for emotions and movement. Dealing with the things that are holding you back and have been holding you back for years will not always feel and look pretty. That’s why you need to create a support system within your space/home to allow yourself to move through it.
Again, it’s so important to me that we make sure to weave in practices and habits that keep us connected or start connecting us with our personal body. Doing things in our home is great, but if we never address what’s going on internally, those things just aren’t going to stick.
Here are some of my favorite things to do that have helped me not only get in touch with my personal body but have allowed me to continue to live there in a safe and supportive way:
Stay Connected to the Present Moment: A tool that might help you with this is keeping an appreciation/gratitude list.
Solid Morning Routine: Having a solid morning routine (mine takes about 4 hours, and I realize I’m blessed to have that ability, but I also made it a priority because I wanted to heal and need to be at my best to serve my clients and community).
Yoga: Incorporate yoga into your daily practice.
Dancing: Dancing (I have a "happy girl" playlist that I love).
Allow Emotions to Come Out: Allow your emotions to come out whenever, wherever, and embrace them instead of feeling shame about them. Now, I cry almost every day on the treadmill at the gym, usually from gratitude (but it used to be because I was moving through something). We can’t control when and how things come up, so let them as much as you can.
Walking and Listening to Music or Meditation: Walk and listen to 174hz music or a meditation. Movement helps ingrain the body with your new outlook on life; focusing on the mind is not enough.
Stretching, Foam Rolling, and Self-Massage: Stretch, foam roll, and massage your own body before bed.
You need to experiment with the practices that feel most nourishing to you. There is no one size fits all answer. Use my list above as inspiration for what things will put you in alignment with the life experience you desire to be living daily.