40MM Feng Shui Crystal with Blue Apatite and Turquoise

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Product Details
Embrace the harmonious energy of our Feng Shui Crystal—a powerful tool designed to bring positive energy and alignment into your space. Crafted with a 40mm round, faceted glass crystal, this exquisite piece is beaded with the vibrant hues of blue apatite and adorned with a turquoise butterfly.
1. New/Positive Energy Flow: Hang it in any space to invite fresh and positive energy, creating a revitalizing atmosphere.
2. Staircases: Strategically place it above staircases to slow down energy flow, preventing it from moving too fast and maintaining balance.
3. Front Door: Welcome abundance and positive energy by placing it near your front door, enhancing the welcoming energy that enters your home.
4. Home Energy Map (Bagua): Position it in areas aligned with your intentions; for instance, the abundance area to attract prosperity.
5. Rainbow Maker Effect: Hang it in a window to create a mesmerizing rainbow effect, infusing the space with joy and vibrancy.

Numerology and Intention:

This Feng Shui Crystal holds the energy of the number 3. In numerology, the number 3 signifies creativity, self-expression, and alignment. It’s a harmonious blend of opposites, symbolizing balance and unity. Infused with the intention of “alignment,” this crystal serves as a powerful reminder to align your energy and surroundings, fostering a sense of balance and positivity in your life. Elevate your space and align your energy with the enchanting properties of our Feng Shui Crystal.

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